Monday, June 25, 2018

Yosemite and Modesto Mission Farewell

Where do I even start... let's start at Yosemite. "I KEEP THE 10 COMMANDMENTS I CANNOT TELL A LIE." That was a hard hike for me. Last time I seriously ran up the mountain but this time I was dying. I am so out of shape and it makes me very sad. I was tired even before we hit the stairs. So sad. It was a lot of fun though. It was good to be back. At the top of Vernal falls I just had to take it in. Sadly we actually hiked really fast up and then back down. 

Hiking the Misty Trail up to Vernal Falls in Yosemite National Park
Vernal Falls with Sister Peterson

But let me tell you about the most wonderful tender mercy that happened on the way down the mountain. I saw some people with a bag that only missionaries have, wasn't for sure but then I saw the collar tan line. We yelled Elders and they turned around! There were 2 Elders and 2 Sister from the FRESNO mission! It was so good to talk to them on the way down the hill. They told us that the mission president was so cool and they discussed different mission rules and other things. It was so nice. Sister Petersen and I didn't recover until about two days later.

Allison and her squirrel friend!

Wednesday was the mission conference/farewell. Which was just so hard. I seriously cried like 50% of the time, that is an honest answer. All the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders gave training's on things they felt prompted to and WOW. A couple of my mission buddies that will be going to the other mission gave their training and I just cried. Some of the trainings included: Self Worth, dedication, diligence, appreciation and gratitude, loving the Savior, and many more things. When Sister Rose and Sister Bustos got up to give their training I did not stop crying until after the closing prayer. I am so grateful for everyone that I have met, even the people I didn't get super close to, it was all about the experience and the learning process.

So my email will be mostly be goodbye pictures... because that was literally a lot of this week. We even helped one of our favorite families move out of their house so that is sad. I hope you all have a good week. I literally don't know any other news about the mission. I don't know when we meet our President, we officially split on July 1st, I don't even know what the rules in their mission is... but I think if I follow the rules I have now i'll be set. Ask any other questions and I will maybe get back to you today...

Love YOu!
Sister Hansen


Sister Hansen with President and Sister Palmer. She loves these two people so much!
They have completed their assignment and will be returning home in July.
Well done, thou good and faithful servants.

Sister Hansen with Sister Valgardson, her trainer

Sister Rose, Hansen and Bustos

Sister Hansen with Elder Mutchie who she graduated with at Davis High.
 He could use a few more inches on him, don't you think? HAHA!

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See you soon!!

Packing up and getting ready to head home Baptism! I'll be home very soon so I'm not emailing. Love you all! Sister Hansen ...