Monday, July 2, 2018


This week has been just so good. Since the mission split, once we updated our devices, our calendar went away so I will most likely forget things... but here we go.

Monday was the last preparation day before everyone went home. It was lots of fun. Then on Tuesday we had to go to the mission office to turn in our car so it could get repaired. While we were there, THERE WAS A LEADERSHIP MEETING! When they got out let me tell ya, Sister Bustos, Rose, Valgardson, Elder Mutchie, Payne, Manley, and I feel like I am forgetting someone but I can't remember. It was so good to see them again ONE last time.

The trio!
Sister Hansen, Sister Eliason and Sister Peterson
Alright, because of other things I was writing this email isn't going to be super long but I do want to talk about M's baptism. It seriously was so good. So many people came to support her, there was probably over 60 people there. I was already emotional and stressed because of the week and what had been happening. I had so much worry and I just couldn't chill. We got to the church and the Elders were already in the font cleaning it. They knew that I was so stressed (FIRST BAPTISM!) so they took action.

Not all Hero's wear capes
Another thing that helped a lot was that once everything was set up, this lady came in and immediately we knew that we had to talk to her. A part of me was like ehhh we should probably focus on the baptism and welcoming everyone, but then we started talking to her. We walked her over to the font and she told us she had never been to a Mormon baptism. She told us a little bit about herself and told us how she found God. She then told us about her grandson who was not on the right road at the time and she didn't know how to introduce these things to him. She asked what we would do. I felt very prompted to share the first point in every discussion and what we should bring up with anyone we come in contact with. I told her that God is aware of all of us and every step we take in our lives. No matter where we are in life, God is waiting with out stretched arms. She began to tear up and commented on the energy that she felt coming from the font. The conversation came to an end because certain people started coming in. But before she left I gave her a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and told her that this is a good place to start.

Beautiful "M"!
When "M" walked into the room in her white dress she bought, I was just so excited and she just had the biggest smile on her face. She was/is so prepared. The service was beautiful and the spirit was present. When we talked to her after the baptism she said that she felt so light and just on a spiritual high. Got that right! The closing hymn was "Families can be Together Forever" and I happened to be conducting. Looking out into the crowd in front of me, seeing President and Sister Palmer, Sister Eliason, "M" and her sweet family, and many more people that I have grown to love, the emotions were very strong. I cherish these lyrics. I am grateful for the knowledge of the Gospel, the Plan of Salvation, and knowing that I will be with my family forever.

"M" and family
On Sunday when "M" was confirmed, the spirit was so strong, the blessing was beautiful, and so many men went up to bless her. When they dispersed after the blessing, and the circle opened. I noticed her ora. Light. It was incredible. She was very overwhelmed and this is a moment that she will never forget. It was such a wonderful week. This is why I am here.

To answer a lot of your questions. We meet our new mission president on July 5th. No one really knows what is going on besides that. But yes, I am now officially a FRESNO MISSIONARY. Crazy stuff.

Love you all!
Sister Hansen

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See you soon!!

Packing up and getting ready to head home Baptism! I'll be home very soon so I'm not emailing. Love you all! Sister Hansen ...